As blockchain continues to expand, more solutions are being created to maintain the seamless operation of blockchain technology. Manta Network contributes its quota by being an on-chain privacy solution for blockchain assets created from the first principle.
Manta aims to facilitate private, highly efficient Defi transactions kind AMM-styled swap and FT/NFT transfer. The end goal, in the long run, is to be a major platform for blockchain applications that preserve privacy.
As Polkadot crowd loans draw close to the first batch of auctions, things are getting hotter and Manta Network is at the forefront of the action, making moves while carrying their community along by creating room for them to be heard. They have just recently announced an up to go crowd loan rewards which let loose the full 15.6% of crowd loan allocations and things seem to be looking up.
Manta Network’s announcement received an ecstatic response from the community on social media and through general support of the crowd loan. From PolkadotJS, Manta Network received triple the amount of DOT contributions, all of this in just 24 hours of announcing the upgraded rewards. And this is only for starters.
A lot of folks have eagerly reached out, requesting about Manta Network’s referral programs. Manta has initially conducted a successful referral program with Calamari which resulted in numerous people bagging awesome bonuses. Now Manta Network is bringing this same program to the Manta crowd loan to enable collective reaping of the rewards that come with publicizing Manta Network’s crowd loan.
Summary of the Manta Network Referral Program
Here is how they work!
· Referral codes can be grabbed from the Manta Network Crowdloan Website.
· Click on the My referral link at the top of the Crowdloan page and copy it to the clipboard where you can share.
· The field for inputting your referral code will increase as referrals link their Polkadot JS wallet and select how much they want to contribute.
How referral rewards work
Referral rewards draw from the pool of 15% MANTA crowd loan rewards. Below are the salient points of this referral system:
· With a referral code, bonuses for referral apply to the whole amount contributed through that wallet address. Participants in the early bid get to contribute another amount of DOT using a referral code.
· Users are not allowed to refer themselves.
· Every referral gets a 5% additional MANTA. This is a 5%s split between the referrer and the referred.
· 5% referral calculation excludes any early bird bonus or other bonuses except the MantaPay Liquidity Event reward and base reward.
· You are not eligible to be a referrer until you have contributed to the Manta Network crowd loan.
· Only those who have contributed to the Manta Network crowd loan in a decentralized manner can use the referral code with the Manta portal.
· The referral bonus for the MantaPay Liquidity Event will release with the MantaPay Liquidity Event.
· Any centralized or semi-decentralized contributor is required to make a minimum contribution through PolkadotJS to activate their referral rewards. This is because Manta uses on-chain data from crowd loans directly to count referrals.
Manta is both a stellar member of the Blockchain Accelerator of the University of Berkeley and Substrate Builder Program as well as a grant fund recipient of Polkadot’s unique Web3 Foundation.
They make good on their aim to build a better Web 3.0 using zkSNARKS while staying true to their core principles which include interoperability, profitability ease-of-use, and high performance.
For more information on Manta Network :