The month of April saw the Cosmos team in high spirits as Persistence’s native token XPRT went live this year with an impressive 35%+ in APR rewards. As at writing, the floor is open for all Persistence fans as well as altcoin lovers to stake their XPRT tokens. The Persistence token, when staked will keep the chain functioning, secure and also create vital exposure to different decentralized apps for community staking. In this concise article, you will learn how to stake your XPRT tokens. Sit back and keep reading.
First, start by:
· Signing into the Wallet Dashboard
Type in When you have done this, click the “Sign In” option at the top right corner of your screen. You will get a button that says “Continue with Address”. , submit your wallet address by clicking “Submit”
· Staking Your XPRT
To do this, navigate to locate the button that says “Staking” in the wallet of your dashboard. You can easily view your staked XPRTs, balance, and data on this dashboard. In this step, select a validator by delegating your XPRT to a validator. Some of them include Cosmostation and StakeFish. Did you know that you can earn some pretty great rewards by staking rewards? Now you do! Don’t miss out on this.
The next course of action is to stake by going to your Staking page, Active tab, and then selecting a validator. Finally, select the Actions button to get options to claim rewards, delegate or relegate. How easy!
Be sure to look out for a window that will display the name of your commission percentage, validator, and actions you’re allowed to carry out. When you have clicked Delegate, enter the number of tokens you wish to delegate and then click ‘Next’. Sign the delegation transaction with your KeyStore file password to delegate and then simply click “Delegate” to confirm your transaction.
· Claiming Staking Rewards
This is the best part. If you were paying attention, then you remember those rewards you get after delegating XRPT. In this step, you can claim them from all validators by clicking the “Claim” button.
Check your delegator wallet to see the rewards you claimed. In case you have multiple addresses for rewards, be rest assured that your rewards will be automatically sent to those addresses.
· Redelegating to Another Validator
Redelegating to another validator is necessary for the phase after your first delegation. Redelegate by choosing the desired transaction in your Staking Page. Next, click your current validator and “Redelegate”. Don’t run through this step without confirming your new validator and redelegation amount. You will know your transaction is successful when you get a confirmation message.
· Unbonding XPRT tokens
This step with staking XPRT is the easiest of all of them. With every delegation of XPRT tokens, a period of bond spanning 21 days must pass. Simply unbond your XPRT tokens by choosing the transaction you want in the Active/Inactive Validators tab on the page for Staking. Click “Actions” and then navigate the validator window to slick “Unbond”. Note the Staking Amount in that same window.
The last step here is to enter the Unbonding amount you want, click “Next, enter the wallet password and click Unbond.
For extra nuggets, note that in the Persistence Explorer tab of your interface, you can click Explorer to the Persistence Explorer app to leverage the different cards in your dashboard.
They are:
· Latest Block: to show block heights, block proposers, average block time, and UTC timestamp.
· Voting Powers: determined by the number of tokens stakes with the validator. Voting power shows the voting power percentage as well as active validators.
· Tokens: this is the summation of bonded tokens, bonded amount, inflation, community pool, and total supply.
· Recent Activity: This tab displays your vital blockchain alerts.